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The Bardic Monk

Liz Whittaker

The Bardic Monk
When Henry II of England, in thrall to tales of King Arthur, travels to a remote corner of Wales to meet with a shrouded monk of no name, he is hoping to trace the final resting place of his hero ancestor. In this fascinating tale, as mythical in its telling as any Arthurian legend, once the King has the knowledge he needs from the Bardic Monk, he sends his envoy Walter Map to Glastonbury, to meet with his friend Gerald of Wales and experience a compelling and historic drama.
I thought the story in the Bardic Monk was thrilling and the quality of the writing superb! I don't usually go for historical fiction but found myself fascinated by the world Liz Whittaker evoked.... Carly Holmes, West Wales.
Thank you so much for writing this lovely book. Where do you find these details? The food they eat and the way they speak, it is all so real!.... Patricia Andreoli, France.
I have enjoyed all your books, but there is a quality in The Bardic Monk which makes it very special....B Squires, London

£ 10.00

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