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Fac. of 1869
Vol 1 Part 1 ( 447-1066)

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Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History comprises the history of England from the descent of the Saxons to A.D. 1235. It was formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris. This first paperback volume covers the earlier period up to 1066. It is a facsimile reprint of the English translation from the Latin, by J. A. Giles, first published in 1849. Little is known of Roger de Wendover himself except that he became prior of Belvoir, a cell attached to St. Alban's abbey, and that he was deposed from this post so.......

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Fac. of 1869
Vol 2 Part 1 (1170-1215)

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Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History comprises the history of England from the descent of the Saxons to A.D. 1235. It was formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris. This first paperback volume covers the earlier period up to 1066. It is a facsimile reprint of the English translation from the Latin, by J. A. Giles, first published in 1849. Little is known of Roger de Wendover himself except that he became prior of Belvoir, a cell attached to St. Alban's abbey, and that he was deposed from this post so.......

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Simeon of Durham's history of the Church of Durham includes a detailed and connected account of the fortunes and migrations of the monks of St.Cuthbert, from the introduction of Christianity into Northumbria until the year 1096. Despite its title, it furnishes us with many important illustrations of the secular affairs of the northern districts of England. This second-edition Llanerch reprint of this title is expanded to include the continuation and other documents illustrative of Simeon of Durh.......

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Little is known about Simeon of Durham himself. The only firm date we have, is 1104, for he was present at the opening of St. Cuthbert's tomb. His ‘History’ spans the period from 616 to 1129. As a source book of history it is of special value for its accounts of the northern provinces of England, and the affairs of the Kingdom of Northumbria.

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Our Price £16.00

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Annals of Ireland from the earliest period to AD.1408 Translated into English in A.D.1627
by Conell Mageoghagan and edited by Denis Murphy
First published in Dublin in 1896
Facsimile reprint 1993
This book gives a special prominence to the history of those parts of the country on both sides of the Shannon bordering on Clonmacnoise, as Teaffa, Meath, Brawnie, Ferkeall, Annaly, Roscommon, Hymany, Moylorg, and the families inhabiting them, the MaGeoghagans, O'Melaghlens, O'Molloys, O'Feralls, O'Con.......

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VOL 1 Part 1 (732-1154)
VOL 1 Part 2 (1155-1180)
VOL 2 Part 1 (1181-1192)
VOL 2 Part 2 (1192-1201)

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The Annals of Roger of Hoveden were intended as a continuation of Bede's Ecclesiastical History. They consist of a first part, commencing in 732 and concluding in 1154, which is reproduced in this paperback volume, and a second part from 1155 to 1201. Events in the first part are treated with much greater conciseness than in the second which deals with those which had passed under the author's personal notice. Of the author himself, little is known; he was probably born at Hoveden, now Howden, i.......

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The Annals of Roger of Hoveden were intended as a continuation of Bede's Ecclesiastical History. They consist of a first part, commencing in 732 and concluding in 1154, and a second part from 1155 to 1201, a portion of which are reproduced in this volume (1155-1180). Events in the first part are treated with much greater conciseness than in the second which deals with those which had passed under the author's personal notice. Of the author himself, little is known; he was probably born at Hovede.......

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Facsimile of 1853. Each Volume sold separately.

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The Annals of Roger of Hoveden were intended as a continuation of Bede's Ecclesiastical History. They consist of a first part, commencing in 732 and concluding in 1154, which is reproduced in this paperback volume, and a second part from 1155 to 1201. Events in the first part are treated with much greater conciseness than in the second which deals with those which had passed under the author's personal notice. Of the author himself, little is known; he was probably born at Hoveden, now Howden, i.......

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Tigernach hua Braein was a learned abbot of Clonmacnois, Ireland, who died in the year 1088. Of the Annals ascribed to him there are now extant only the following fragments: 1). From the time of the prophets Oseas,. Amos, Isaias, Jonas and Michasas to the time of Antoninus Pius.
2). From B.C. 322 (or thereabouts) to A.D. 360.
3). From A.D. 489 to A.D. 766.
4). From A.D. 975 to A.D. 1088. The first of these fragments was printed in the pages of Revue Celtique, dated by Whitley Stokes 1.......

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Our Price £26.00

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Adam's chronicle includes a detailed account of the last parliament of Richard II, and his fall and deposition. His personal share in the events which culminated in Richard's deposition render his account of things at that time so valuable. During the reign of Henry IV, Adam became a fugitive from justice, and he went to Rome at an important period of Papal history; that of the death of Boniface the ninth, and the succession of Innocent the seventh and his quarrel with the Romans and his flight.......

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Henry of Huntingdon appears to have been born in or near Lincoln towards the end of the eleventh century. He was one of our earliest national historians, and his Chronicle presented here is the most valuable of his works
Henry's Chronicle comprises the history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the accession of Henry II. It is translated and edited by Thomas Forester and reproduced here as a facsimile of the first edition of 1853

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Our Price £16.00

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